25 September 2006

Texas Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving!!!

This past weekend was Oktoberfest in Fremont...and my favorite part of the Fremont Oktoberfest took place: the Texas Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving contest!!!! Love it! So much fun! And of course I went to both days of the event and took a million pictures (which made choosing a few for this blog kind of difficult).

For those of you who have never heard of Texas Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving, it's basically where you care a pumpkin with a chainsaw. This process creates great entertainment with a combination of factors: lots of loud noise, spraying pumpkin guts and wacky personalities.

Here are some pictures from the carving contest, cause it's hard to describe and much better to see visuals to get the full impact:

The winner from the first day (and my favorite from both days):


yimfay said...

only in Seattle... ;)

Wunderhund said...

AWESOME! Between that and the 'Hawks victory over the Giants, Seattle is THE BEST CITY EVER!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely best city ever!

redhead83402 said...

absolutely LOVE it! Now, my husband carves with a chainsaw, and he even carves pumpkins, even with power tools, but he's never carved pumpkins with a chainsaw! (I have to wonder if it gums up the chainsaw too badly. I know with the router & jigsaw, we had to rinse a little to get the gunk cleaned off ~) Looks like a otne of fun!

Anonymous said...

This year 2011 a serious competitor was "Chilly Willis" a truly randon penguin.